Friday, January 27, 2012

....Chicken Shit!!

So.....I made an attempt at "the radical hair change"....and I wimped out.....I tried....and I think I like what she did (I'm still trying to decide)...the girl I went to was very helpful.  She helped me pick some colours to try...but I'm not really sure it's radical.  Maybe I have to work my way up to has to be colour 'cause I'm not brave enough to cut it....I like my easy breezy pony tail on days that I don't feel like doing my hair...not willing to give that up....not just yet anyway......the girl who did my hair did make mention of blue...purple....anything you want...she said....and when I said am I not to old for those colours...she said never....everything in moderation.....she said the only thing she wouldn't recomend is "porn star blonde"....and she assured me it had nothing to do with my age...but the fact that she's not sure that's a good look even in your twenties!! 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

To post or not to's always the question!

First let me start by saying......I sometimes wish I could write these at work.....I totally understand why I can't...but that seems to be where I come up with a really good idea...then by the time I get home, I'm to tired....or I have no idea what I was going to write about.....that's what happened tonight.....I had a great idea earlier today...meant to write it down....or send myself an email so that I would remember....but I even forgot to do it's gone.....whatever it's there no longer.....hopefully it'll come back at another time.  So instead you get this:

What's your take on posting pictures online (I'll leave a little survey to the side)?  I love taking pictures.....everyone knows's a big joke.....I'm ok with it.  When I'm old and trying to remember my earlier years, I'll have all of pictures to remind me what a great time I had and what great people I surrounded myself with.  I don't mind having my picture's seeing the picture later that I'm not fond of.  This is where the question comes in......does it bother you if people post pictures of you online (I don't mean just me....I mean any pictures)?  Are you ok with some pictures and maybe not with others?  I try to be very conscious of what pictures I put online.  I have certain friends who have rules to what I'm allowed to post (and I follow the rules), if at anytime someone is unhappy with a picture I've put up I take it down immediately.  I don't put the pictures on there to embarrass people....I don't want to be embarrassed.....I put the pictures on because I want everyone to see what a great time I have and what great people I surround myself with.  If I put a picture up of you it's because whatever was happening at the time is something I want to remember.....I don't put a lot of pictures on far the only pictures are either of scenery or myself.....I would like to add others....but to tell the truth I'm not sure how to protect them so for now I'll stick to facebook....or blocking out faces on this.  However always remember....if you find yourself on my facebook page or blurred out on here.....take it as a compliment.....know that someone thinks your special......special enough to capture forever.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Big Thumbs Down.......

So as part of my list, I've decided to try a new food each month......for January it was a popper.....and was not I'll admit that I didn't have to spit it out...and I even listened to Brett and took two bites 'cause one isn't giving it a fair chance...and the second bite was no better than the first....  Hmmmm...what shall I try for February.....sushi maybe.....~~shudders~~

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Going into my 40's gracefully.....

So I've decided that instead of hiding from my 40's I'm going to dive head first right into them...fabulously......I'm in the process of composing a list of 40 things I would like to do in my 40's.  As I complete one or partially complete one...I will post about it...with pictures if possible.  I've even put the list on here...well what I have done.  So stay tuned....this could be fun.....

Monday, January 2, 2012

wait.....I changed my mind.....

In my last post I said I couldn't wait to go back to work so that I would eat better....well forget that.....I plead temporary insanity.....I do NOT want to go back to work....I NOT want to go come on fess up.....who won the lotto max last Friday night....I promise to be your best friend if you deal?  Damn!  I have one more day off....tomorrow.....I also have a house full of kids right now....hmmmm wonder how early is to early to get rid of them....I joke....if I get rid of them to early then mine are at me..."I'm bored"...."what can I do"...and then anything I suggest isn't good enough...or not what they were looking for.  So I shall keep the extras until noonish....but then I need a little time to pout...when you were in school did you ever get the Sunday know that melancholy feeling....your sad but not really sure why..then you realize it's because you dread starting the monotony over again.....that's how I'm feeling.  That "whaaaa...I have to go back" feeling.  I don't usually get that feeling anymore...ever since I turned Sunday into funday.....but I think because I've had so much time off and it was a great vacation...I'm feeling a little blue....I'm sure once I get back into the swing of things all will be right on the ramparts again...but for tonight....and tomorrow....I'm in pout mode........

~~side note....I didn't lose any...but I didn't gain they gave me a BRAVO sticker...yay me!