Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Week One......but I'm starving.....

I enter the building and am greeted by a pleasant lady behind a desk....she says "oh you're a convience member, go ahead and get weighed in" we go.....I remove my shoes....set down my keys (hey I have a lot of keys, could be a whole pound of keys)....should I take off my sweater or would that look desperate??  Fine, leave the sweater.....step on the the numbers spin out of control and finally stop.....-3.5lbs.....really....thats all??  But I was so careful.....I didn't eat mall food even once during that week....I was careful with my beer intake....I counted out 15 nacho chips so that I only had to take 3 points for them....I took what I thought was a tiny piece of lasgna AND I skipped the garlic bread.....WTF....I figured at least 20lbs should have been lost.....relax...I didn't really belive 20lbs...but I did think 6...that's what my scale at home said......stupid lying scale.....exactly the reason why I usually try to avoid them like the plague. 
This ain't gonna be no cake walk....I'm hungry....or at least I think I am.....sometimes I think I'm obsessed with "the next meal".....while I'm making my breakfast, I can't stop thinking about what I'm going to have for lunch....will I have enough....what if I get hungry...what will I do sucks.....but it has to be done.....we always want to look better....but I'm at the point where I need to do this for my health....stupid aging process......
.....anyway on to week far so good....I went a little over board on the weekend so now I have to be extra good....Weigh in is on you think she'll mind if I take off my sweater.....

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