Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Christmas Season Begins

December 1st the Christmas season officially started.  Lisa started it off with an ugly sweater party.  I even managed to put something together for Brett and I.  Thanks to my mom who went out shopping for the actual sweaters/vest for me to decorate.  They turned out not to shabby if I do say so myself......I guess maybe I can craft a little if I have to.  I've got my work Christmas party this Sunday, and things just keep going from there.  

Christmas shopping is well under way.  Since the kids have gotten older the shopping is easier in some ways because they ask for so many gift cards you almost don't have to shop.  It's a little sad though because it doesn't look like much under the tree.  

Brett shaved his moustache off.....I think most of you saw it.  It was my doing, I kept asking him to try it because I'd never saw him with out one.  Well after he did it I kindly asked if he could grow it back...thank goodness it didn't take to long.  I didn't mind it, but I must be a girl who likes facial hair. 

With Christmas season on us that means it's also picture season.  Ugh, now I have to be reminded of the weight I need to lose...and I'm just really tired of this battle.  I want to lose weight, but I just really like to eat....a lot.  Fruits and veggies just don't cut it. ~~sigh~~  Anyone know the name of a good liposuction surgeon?!?!?

p.s.  I love that someone left a comment.....don't forget to add your name so I know who I'm blogging

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