Monday, December 6, 2010

Oh Christmas Trees......

send me a picture and I'll post your Christmas Tree Picture.
Here's our tree!'s Suzy Q's!

There`s my mom`s.....

Friday, November 26, 2010

Only Time Will Tell....

Sometimes I just don't think far enough ahead.......
......I had a meeting to attend in Burlington on Wednesday....I had to be there for 8:00 Kim, Jason and I went up the night we're driving it hits me like a ton of bricks that I have to sleep in a hotel room.....WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But what about bed breath heart starts to race and tears spring to my eyes.......Kim knows me well so this isn't anything she hasn't witnessed at one point or another...but poor Jason.....well I'm pretty sure any respect he had for me is pretty much out the window (that's if there was any there after the geography discussion we had to have about the fact that I don't drive myself on the 401 for fear of getting lost).....I'm hoping that Kim repaired most of the damage done at dinner by talking me up about my capabilities at my job.....lets hope so.....anyways....back to the bed bugs.......We enter the room and the first thing Kim does is drop her suitcase on the floor......has she heard nothing I've can't put your stuff on the I haul out the luggage stand from the closet and place my small pink suitcase on the stand.....I then proceed to tear the bed apart as Kim lounges on hers in her jammies.....and laughs at me......I tore the sheets off....checked the pillows.....under the bed skirt....I left no bedding she sipped her water and ate tim bits......I glared at her...envious of her recklessness.......I tossed and turned and ITCHED all night.....come morning I was packed back up and ready to get the hell out of dodge.......
.....meeting goes fine...we head home and we arrive safely at Kim's home where I proceed to unload from her vehicle into mine and head on home.....
....then it hits me like a ton of breath heart starts to race and tears spring to my eyes.....Kim's stuff was next to mine in the back of her vehicle.....the same stuff that she so recklessly left on the floor with the bugs......
....but I'm not going to dwell on fact I'm still pretty sure if I end up with them it's Suzy and Chris's fault because we all know that movie theaters are breeding grounds for nasty ass bed bugs........

Monday, November 15, 2010


That's the sound of time ticking away.....Christmas will be upon us in no time......I've already attended my work Christmas party...yes people it's coming up on us that's a link I found to some popular Christmas gift ideas...if you scroll to the bottom it gives lists of different catergories....
Best selling Xmas gifts

Friday, November 12, 2010

Like I needed another bug to worry about......

Maggots take up residence inside man's head
It's the stuff nightmares and horror movies are made of.

A holidaymaker got a nasty shock when he learned that the strange bleeding bumps on his head were not bites or shingles, but live maggots.

Aaron Dallas, from Colorado, looked for medical help when the unusual lumps appeared on his scalp after a holiday to Belize during the summer.

One doctor thought they might have been caused by a gnat bite. Another believed his problem was shingles.

But then the bumps took on a life of their own and began to move.

A doctor discovered five bot fly larvae living inside Aaron Dallas's head, near the top of his skull. This was a few weeks after a mosquito had apparently placed them there.

"I'd put my hand back there and feel them moving. I thought it was blood coursing through my head. I could hear them. I actually thought I was going crazy," said Dallas, of Carbondale.

Bot flies rely on mosquitoes, stable flies, and other insects to carry their eggs to a host - and in this case the host was Dallas.

"It was weird and traumatic," he said. "I would get this pain that would drop me to my knees."

After their discovery the parasites were removed by a doctor. Dallas's wife teased him about it afterwards, but didn't find the experience funny.

"It's much funnier to everyone else. It makes my stomach turn over. It was cruel,'' he said.

Bot fly infections are fairly routine in parts of Central and South America.

- July 20, 2007

Thursday, November 11, 2010

November 11, 2010

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flander's fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, tho poppies grow In Flander's fields.

Liet. -Col. John McCrae

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Little Preview for my friends who are going to Black Friday

....follow the link Black Friday Flyer Preview since I found this for me something pretty!!!!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

....and the winner is...........

Jo (my mom).....

She was the first person to add something to the blog....congratulations are the proud new owner of a
......I told you there would be a prize....but did you for future prize offers....who knows YOU could be next.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Natural Solutions For Healthier Hair

Natural Solutions For Healthier Hair

Finding natural solutions and easy remedies for hair health issues is as simple as opening the nearest pantry or kitchen cabinet. From dandruff to split ends, treating damage typically involves specialty shampoos or moisturizers; but many of these issues are simple to treat without chemicals.

While natural treatments are sometimes slower, and sometimes require more applications, the results are often equal or better than traditional over-the-counter treatments or spa products. Users seeking healthier, non-chemical solutions for treating damaged hair or scalp conditions may prefer a slow and steady application of these natural solutions as an alternative to retail products.

Baking Soda Solutions
Reduce damaging soap scum from shampoo by using baking soda during the rinse. Scrub the powder into the scalp and work downwards through the hair's strands following the shampoo's rinse. Rinse briefly a second time to wash the baking soda out, leaving hair soft, shiny, and soap-free.

Vinegar Rinse
Help reduce soap scum and dandruff while promoting shiny hair with a vinegar rinse. Rinse shampoo from hair, then mix one-third cup of vinegar with two-thirds cup of warm water, then pour over hair in a cascading rinse.

Don't wash the vinegar free from hair after application; simply towel off and let the substance dry. The smell fades in a matter of minutes, leaving hair glowing with natural beauty.

Coconut Rub
Help treat damaged hair, including split ends and dandruff, with coconut oil. Non-hydrogenated or natural versions, like those used in healthy recipes, are massaged into the scalp or rubbed over the hair as a natural moisturizer. Leave the oil in place for five minutes, then shampoo as usual.

Use a baking soda or vinegar rinse to make sure any lingering oily residue is washed free; the absorbed coconut oil can help reduce dry flakes and broken strands over a period of treatments.

Olive Oil Scrub
Reduce dandruff and dry scalp symptoms with a simple organic produce: olive oil. Rub a teaspoon of the oil gently into the scalp in a skin massage. Give the oil time to soak into the skin, and then shampoo the oil from hair. Repeated applications can help reduce dry skin and encourage healthier hair.

Natural treatments are embraced by many users seeking healthier alternatives to traditional chemical treatments. Gentle natural oils or cleansing powders can promote healthier hair and heal damage from harsh treatments and conditions.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

15 Years and Counting

Today Brett and I have been married 15 years.....that's a long time.....especially for someone with as little patience as I have.  Things I've learned in that 15 years of marriage:

  • don't preheat the oven without looking in it first....cake and saran wrap do NOT mix.
  • crying still works
  • hunting season seems to increase by one day each hunting/moose hunting/deer hunting/muzzle loader hunting
  • .....on the other hand....hunting season can be a girl's best friend......
  • If he tells me he'll be home by 5:00pm....add at least an hour to that....sometimes more....
  • he can be romantic if he wants to be......having our wedding song played at creek so we could snuggle.....sending me flowers at work.
  • cars don't float
  • .....four wheelers however do.
So Happy Anniversay Dear.....I wouldn't change a thing (fine maybe we could skip the whole "I think the ice is safe" thing).....

Monday, November 1, 2010

Hallowe'en Happenings

The weekend was good.....Suzy threw a small Halloween shin dig that turned into a big drunk.....but oh what fun it was.....there was a little bit of trouble when some party crashers showed up....but we got things back under control shortly after that..........there was lots of yummy food (Julie has a killer garlic dip, and maybe we can talk her into posting the recipie on here) ..and I always enjoy Suzy's salsa...if Brett could just refrain from spilling it everywhere that would be splendid.....I also learned that when making jello shots with vodka you can't use straight vodka....yikes they were harsh......
We did end up at the Creek for a bit and that was a blast as well....although by this point we probably could have had fun in a bathroom stall.......we were spreading the halloween spirit.....near and far......I can't wait until next year.
I was going to tell a whole story about how mushy and romantic my hubby can be....but I think I'll just stop here.

Oh and if by chance you do want to comment....use anonymous as your profile....and just put your name at the end of your will then ask you to type a word to make sure you aren't a computer..and poof...your comment will be added.  Until next time..........

Thursday, October 28, 2010

What have I gotten myself into??

My mother decided that I should try and create a that was for "girls only".....older one under 18 is allowed to know about the site.....I thought..."hmmmmm....this has possibilities".  But what if I can't think of anything to write....or add....or display.....then I thought well what if I created a site that we could all have access to...that way if anyone wanted to add something they could.....this could be until I get the hang of it I won't be spreading it around quite yet....however once I catch on....look out!!