Friday, November 26, 2010

Only Time Will Tell....

Sometimes I just don't think far enough ahead.......
......I had a meeting to attend in Burlington on Wednesday....I had to be there for 8:00 Kim, Jason and I went up the night we're driving it hits me like a ton of bricks that I have to sleep in a hotel room.....WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But what about bed breath heart starts to race and tears spring to my eyes.......Kim knows me well so this isn't anything she hasn't witnessed at one point or another...but poor Jason.....well I'm pretty sure any respect he had for me is pretty much out the window (that's if there was any there after the geography discussion we had to have about the fact that I don't drive myself on the 401 for fear of getting lost).....I'm hoping that Kim repaired most of the damage done at dinner by talking me up about my capabilities at my job.....lets hope so.....anyways....back to the bed bugs.......We enter the room and the first thing Kim does is drop her suitcase on the floor......has she heard nothing I've can't put your stuff on the I haul out the luggage stand from the closet and place my small pink suitcase on the stand.....I then proceed to tear the bed apart as Kim lounges on hers in her jammies.....and laughs at me......I tore the sheets off....checked the pillows.....under the bed skirt....I left no bedding she sipped her water and ate tim bits......I glared at her...envious of her recklessness.......I tossed and turned and ITCHED all night.....come morning I was packed back up and ready to get the hell out of dodge.......
.....meeting goes fine...we head home and we arrive safely at Kim's home where I proceed to unload from her vehicle into mine and head on home.....
....then it hits me like a ton of breath heart starts to race and tears spring to my eyes.....Kim's stuff was next to mine in the back of her vehicle.....the same stuff that she so recklessly left on the floor with the bugs......
....but I'm not going to dwell on fact I'm still pretty sure if I end up with them it's Suzy and Chris's fault because we all know that movie theaters are breeding grounds for nasty ass bed bugs........

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