Thursday, November 4, 2010

15 Years and Counting

Today Brett and I have been married 15 years.....that's a long time.....especially for someone with as little patience as I have.  Things I've learned in that 15 years of marriage:

  • don't preheat the oven without looking in it first....cake and saran wrap do NOT mix.
  • crying still works
  • hunting season seems to increase by one day each hunting/moose hunting/deer hunting/muzzle loader hunting
  • .....on the other hand....hunting season can be a girl's best friend......
  • If he tells me he'll be home by 5:00pm....add at least an hour to that....sometimes more....
  • he can be romantic if he wants to be......having our wedding song played at creek so we could snuggle.....sending me flowers at work.
  • cars don't float
  • .....four wheelers however do.
So Happy Anniversay Dear.....I wouldn't change a thing (fine maybe we could skip the whole "I think the ice is safe" thing).....


  1. A wll thought out list.

    Try to find a way we can post a picture with our comments please
    ......Happy Anniversary


  2. Hey!!!!Why can't I put a recipe on this thing?
