and other smurfy adventures.
Essential and non essential. Two words we hear multiple times every day. Essential workers....non essential workers. Essential purchasing, non essential purchasing. Essential travel, non essential get the picture.
As I always state when I write, this is my opinion and my point of view only. Some of what you might read will upset you and you'll want to comment. You have every right to do so, because we all have different opinions and points of view. I respect yours, even if I don't agree with it.
First let me start by saying that social media is both a blessing and a curse. It lets you keep in touch with those you can't be with. I've found some really cool facebook groups. I'm addicted to TikTok. And of course there is always the old standby's. The curse however is that everyone gets to judge everyone else without knowing all of the facts. People are casting stones, and most times it's not even in an intelligent manner. Just being pissy and nasty. In such a scary time I sometimes have to stay away from certain posts because, lets face it...I'm a huge baby. That being said sometimes what I read also infuriates me. I think how can someone be so one sided. How can people be so sure of something, when right now I'm not sure of anything. I'm scared shitless. I'm afraid this will be the new "normal". That social distancing will be the new way of life. Much to some of my friends and families dismay, I am a very touchy feely person. I find great comfort in a hug from a friend, a pat on the shoulder, a firm handshake. I want that again.
Here at the smurf house we are dealing with things the best we can. I'm still considered an essential employee (~~rolls eyes~~ like everyone didn't already know that). I'm lucky enough that I work with a great team and we all want to look out for each other and keep each other safe. We stagger our shifts, taking turns working at home. We wash.... our hands, disinfect everything we touch...the list goes on and on....and we can only hope we're doing enough. I loved my job and work family before, this makes it even stronger.
Because I'm the essential employee, this means I have to travel to and from work. So therefore it only makes sense that I be the one to do the essential shopping as well. Brett, my mom and Jack haven't been to Kingston since...gosh I think it's almost a month now. I did have to let my mom out once. I let her do the seniors day at Glenburnie Grocery. If you ever get to stop by for a drink again, ask her about it. Lets just say I will be the only one shopping for quite sometime. Brett has went as far as Inverary for gas and beer (don't even try to tell me beer is not essential). Jack has been no where.
The first couple of times I had to shop weren't so bad. I made sure I had a list. I went in kept my head down and zoomed through quite quickly. Then once they started to close everything down and create lines, rules, and such....well then it started to get a little scary. I never thought going to Loblaws would put fear into the pit of my stomach. We, however are a family of six. So a trip to the grocery store is essential at least once a week. We are trying not to hoarde, trying to only buy what's needed but that means I'm probably going to have to go again next week. That being said, who decides what is essential and for whom? Why do I see people on here picking at someone because they bought ice cream. Surely you can live without ice cream. Or someone else saying "I saw a lady at the grocery store who had a shrimp ring in her cart, who NEEDS a shrimp ring"? Why if you're at the grocery store and you're following all of the rules. Keeping your distance, not wandering around. Why can't you have a few things in your cart that may not be essential for living but maybe essential for your mental well being. I Dawn Cashman bought both a shrimp ring and a farmers market coffee cake. I did not have to shop for them. I know exactly where both of those things are located in Loblaws. They were not on my list of essentials. Let the first stone be cast.
I haven't been able to hug my son in over a month...I think it's actually been longer and if I had of know this was all going to happen you can bet I would've held on to him longer. Zack doesn't live at home with me, and he's still considered an essential worker so far. He goes to work every day, never complains and tries really hard to be safe. He lets me call him, text him and facetime him as much as I like (I try not to abuse this!! lol). His lease is up in May, he does not want to move back to the country...but it almost came to that because as you can imagine trying to rent anything right now is almost impossible. They had to rent something sight unseen, done by virtual tour. This wouldn't fly for most people but if you knew my kid you'd know it takes a lot to get any sort of rise out of Zack. One of my big concerns was what were people going to think if I moved him in with us. We were now letting someone else move in and we weren't social distancing from him son....I was worrying about what people were going to think if I moved my first born baby back home with me so he wouldn't be took me about 3 minutes to get my head out of my ass and know that if I moved my son back home with us, that we as a family would do whatever if took to make sure it was done as safely as possible. Lucky for Zack this didn't happen...he has a place for May....not so lucky for me. I would've been ok with him moving back home. Meh...maybe next year.
My second born baby is an RPN, she has worked 13 days in a row. She's handling this like a pro. I couldn't be prouder....of both of my children and they way they are handling COVID.
***Found this is my draft and thought it was an interesting look back. Maybe not for you, but for me. 😜 Post was from April 2020